
Photo by Jay Yamada. From left to right: Mikee Loria, Rae Yuen, and Dom Refuerzo.

Note from the actor:

Though I did a lot of theatre in my childhood and adolescent years, I took a big break after that. As a person whose queerness may not be immediately visible, the misaligned perception of myself on a big audience scale was hard for me to make peace with. I felt like I was diluting my Filipinx-American and queer identities when I was in predominantly white schools, and even now in predominantly white workplaces. However, moving to the Bay Area helped me realize that that perception does not need to be my sole responsibility! I now have access to way more spaces where I trust that I can bring my whole self. And to that end, I am returning more and more to the theatre stage.

I feel so lucky to live in a talent-dense place where I can be loud, stand in my power, and make bold choices, especially in the faces of those who did not do me justice. PWIs taught me how to be palatable, and live theatre helps me subvert that :) 

I am most excited about bringing stories by, for, and about marginalized people to life. And I will always support my community in making art fuckery and joy <3

— Dom